
121+ Husband Hurting Wife Quotes

Are you looking for some of the best Husband Hurting Wife Quotes? Then you’ve come to the right place; we’ve gathered a massive collection of husband hurting wife quotes.

If your husband neglects you or doesn`t care about you for some reason, then these quotes may be helpful to you.

Best Husband Hurting Wife Quotes

1. “Silence is a woman’s loudest cry. You can always tell she’s really hurt when she starts ignoring you.”

2. “There is never a reason to fight about money. money can always be made but hurtful words can never be taken back.”

3. “Some men are tempted to violate secrecy from the uneasiness secrecy gives them, and others, merely to impress you with the extent of their confidence.”

4. “Being single is much better than being lied to, cheated on, and disrespected.”

5. “All I ever wanted was to spend my life with you in bliss. But you left me alone in this abyss. It is weird, but it is our past moments that I miss.”


6. “I still feel that you will realize your mistake and come back. But to be honest, I know that you have burnt the bridge and created a lack.”

7. “Never make a good woman hurt too many times… At some point the pain you cause her will permanently damage her and she will no longer see a future with you or look at you the same.”

8. “Never neglect the people who are most important to you simply because you think they will always be there. Because one morning you might wake up and realize you lost the moon while counting the stars.”

9. “When a girl gives up, it’s not because she doesn’t love you, but because she’s tired of getting hurt and feels like you’ll never care.”

10. “When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.”


11. “The worst thing a guy could do for a girl is to ignore her while she’s loving you with all her heart.” – Liam Payne

12. “Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you and you meant nothing to him.”

13. “Most people cheat because they’re paying more attention to what they’re missing rather than what they have.”

14. “I don’t think he knows how much he hurts me sometimes…”

15. “Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.” – Steve Maraboli


16. “Broken things can never be fixed together perfectly. Your words have broken our relationship completely. Once spoken, you can never take back your words like the arrow of a bow neatly.”

17. “Two barrels of tears will not heal a bruise.” – Chinese Proverb

18. “As you think so shall you be! Since you cannot physically experience another person, you can only experience them in your mind.”

19. “I hate not being happy. I hate the fact that my own husband doesn’t even care about my feelings of loneliness. I thought marriage was supposed to be comforting and fun. I just feel trapped.”

20. “A real Life Partner is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”


21. “A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea.”

22. “The demise of marriages begins with a growing absence of responsive intimate interactions. The conflict comes later.” – Sue Johnson

23. “Loving you was a losing game, indeed. But it was not a game for me, but you treated it as if it was like a plaything of a kid.”

24. “Really, what is more, important in a man’s life than his wife? His work? His kids? His hobbies? If you’re not number one in your husband’s life, your soul will begin to wither and fade away.” ― Barrie Davenport

25. “There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it.” – Shannon L. Alder

Short Husband Hurting Wife Quotes

1. “If your husband neglects you, he doesn’t deserve you.”

2. “If I treated you the way you treat me, you would hate me.”

3. “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.” – Bette Davis


4. “The pain of yesterday is the strength of today.” – Paulo Coelho

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5. “When you hurt the one you love, you are bound to hurt yourself.”

6. “The human heart is the only thing whose worth increases the more it is broken.” -Shakieb Orgunwall

7. “Do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you.” -Rupi Kaur

8. “You cannot really get married by mistake. You can only marry the wrong person.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana


9. “I don’t think he knows how much he hurts me sometimes…”

10. “Love grows where trust is laid, and love dies where trust is betrayed.”

11. “I think a bad husband is far worse than no husband.” – Margaret Cavendish

12. “A broken heart is the worst. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe.”


13. “The shattering of a heart being broken is the loudest quiet ever.” – Carroll Bryant

14. “The worst feeling in the world is being hurt by someone you love.”

15. “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Neglecting Wife Husband Hurting Wife Quotes

1. “It hurts when the person who promised to love you unconditionally decides to do otherwise. He even goes as far as to pretend that he can’t hear your cries.”

2. “What kills love? Only this: Neglect.” – Jeanette Winterson

3. “You’re ignoring me so loud that it’s deafening. This silence is so deep that it’s echoing.” – Anna Jae


4. “Nothing hurts more than being ignored, replaced, forgotten, or lied to.”

5. I always wish we could still laugh at each other’s jokes like we used to, but when did you grow so distant from me that now you don’t understand my words too?

6. “I am good enough person to forgive you. But not stupid enough to trust you again.”

7. “Being ignored by the person you love is hard. But what hurts the most is how they make it look so easy.”


8. “It’s true, the greatest gift a husband can give to his wife is to not hurt her. Everything else falls into place when a man stops to understand what hurts her.”

9. “When your husband neglects you, it is best to walk away.”

10. “A man will admit his wrongs and try to fix them. A boy will find excuses and constantly blame you for why he’s hurting you.”

11. “You will search for me in another person… I promise… And you will never find me.”


12. “Ignoring is a passive-aggressive way of dealing with a chronic relationship problem. When your husband ignores you, no matter if it’s all the time or just after arguments, he is trying to avoid and run away from a problem instead of dealing with it and solving it.”

13. “Most people cheat because they’re paying more attention to what they’re missing rather than what they have.”

14. “If you’re turning yourself into a pretzel to win his love and attention, you’ve already diminished yourself. You’ve already lost whatever love he said he had for you.”

15. “Why do you have to keep away from me? I am your wife, but all you have done is neglect me. I wish you could see how sad and tearful you have made me.”

Marriage Husband Hurting Wife Quotes

1. “Hurting me has become such a natural thing for you now that you don’t even notice it. It feels like I’m standing alone in the middle of a busy street.”

2. “You’re ignoring me so loud that it’s deafening. This silence is so deep that it’s echoing.” – Anna Jae

3. “We married each other in good faith and vowed to stay together, but now it seems like we can’t even pretend to be able to be near each other.”


4. “Be careful who you fall in love with, cause someone somewhere not approves.”

5. “If they loved you in the ways, they claim to love you. They wouldn’t hurt you in the ways they deny they hurt you.”

6. “The problem is you still don’t think that you did anything to hurt me.”

7. “The shattering of a heart being broken is the loudest quiet ever.” – Carroll Bryant


8. “Don’t take me for granted, cause, unlike the rest. I am not afraid to walk away.”

9. “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

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10. “Love is the person you think about during the songs.”

Wife Being Hurt By Her Husband Quotes

1. “When someone betrays you, it is a reflection of their character, not yours.”

2. “I pretend that your words don’t hurt me. I’m not breaking even though you are still pretending that my tears are invisible enough to see.”

3. “We married each other in good faith and vowed to stay together, but now it seems like we can’t even pretend to be able to be near each other.”


4. “It hurts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.”

5. “When someone accuses you of doing something you’re not doing, it’s usually because they’re the ones doing it.”

6. “There is nothing lonelier than being in a marriage and feeling unseen by your husband”

7. “As you think so shall you be! Since you cannot physically experience another person, you can only experience them in your mind.”


8. “Whenever a husband battles within himself, it’s his wife who feels the force of the war.”

9. “Most people cheat because they’re paying more attention to what they’re missing rather than what they have.”

10. “But they all didn’t see the little bit of sadness in me.”

Broken Heart Husband Hurting Wife Quotes

1. “Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes I think it would be better if we died when they did, but we don’t.” – Stephen King

2. “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

3. “No matter how hard your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief.” -Faraaz Kazi


4. “Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you and you meant nothing to him.”

5. “There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream – whatever that dream might be.” – Pearl S. Buck

6. “I am a good enough person to forgive you. But not stupid enough to trust you again.”

7. “You hurt me more than what I deserve because I loved you more than what you deserve.”


8. “Someday you’re gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You’ll see that you were in mourning, and your heart was broken, but your life was changing.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

9. “It’s amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.” – Ella Harper

10. “Having your heart broken by the one you love the most can be like a thousand paper cuts or one massive and decisive blow. Either way, the pain is profound.” – Barrie Davenport

Husband Ignoring Wife Quotes

1. “I wanted to start a new life with you, full of love, dreams, and wishes, but then you changed and started to suffocate me with your fake hugs and kisses.”

2. “Sometimes I get real lonely sleeping with you.” – Haruki Murakami

3. “Even the most intense feelings cease when neglected and taken for granted.” – Anupama Garg


4. “One day, I hope you look back at what we had, and regret every single thing you did to let it end.”

5. “You married him because he promised to love, honor, and cherish you. When all of those promises are broken time and again, you are left with a broken heart.” – Barrie Davenport

6. “It hurts when the person who promised to love you unconditionally decides to do otherwise. He even goes as far as to pretend that he can’t hear your cries.”

7. “If they loved you in the ways, they claim to love you. They wouldn’t hurt you in the ways they deny they hurt you.”


8. “The pleasure of love lasts but a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime.”

9. “Loving you was a losing game, indeed. But it was not a game for me, but you treated it as if it was like a plaything of a kid.”

10. “My husband neglects me and thinks I’ll always be here waiting. He has no idea the storm that is about to break over his life. I’m tired of begging him to make me a priority.”

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Husband Angry with Wife Quotes

1. “There is nothing lonelier than being in a marriage and feeling unseen by your husband. You feel like a ghost in your own home.” – Barrie Davenport

2. “I used to think that the worst feeling in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.” – Robin Williams

3. “Be careful what you say. You can say something hurtful in ten seconds, but ten years later, the wounds are still there.” – Joel Osteen


4. “Something my dad says…He says you end up marrying the one you don’t understand. Then you spend the rest of your life trying.” – Fredrik Backman

5. “Sorry is not enough. Sometimes you actually have to change.”

6. “Divorce isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an unhappy marriage, and teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce.”

7. “It’s true, the greatest gift a husband can give to his wife is to not hurt her. Everything else falls into place when a man stops to understand what hurts her.”


8. “When you hurt the one you love, you are bound to hurt yourself.”

9. “I still believed he’d love me again somehow; love me that intense, thick way he did, the way that made everything good.” – Gillian Flynn

10. “When you date a married man and he leaves his wife… you enter a world of lies. He cheated on his wife and he will cheat on you.”

Life Quotes About The Husband-Wife Relationship

1. “Please tell me that it will get better and things will change because I will not be able to live like this forever until I die from old age.”

2. “Be careful what you say. You can say something hurtful in ten seconds, but ten years later, the wounds are still there.”

3. “It’s amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.”


4. “I was always just a supporting cast member in my husband’s life. His attention turned to me only when I was attending to him.”

5. “If I treated you the way you treat me, you would hate me.”

6. “Happiness is the china shop; love is the bull.” – H. L. Mencken


7. “Love grows where trust is laid, and love dies where trust is betrayed.”

8. “Never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you’re right there.”

9. “A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself — to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.”


10. “If a man, who says he loves you, won’t tell you the details of a private conversation between him and another woman you can be sure he is not protecting your heart. He is protecting himself and the women he has feelings for. Wise women simply see things as they are, not as their low self-esteem allows.” – Shannon L. Alder

Wrapping Up

I hope you found this article useful and that all of your questions about husband-hurting wife quotes have been answered. Thanks For Reading:)

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